Re: Still having hIves after 4 days of supplementing!
The problem is the dying fungus:
"When yeast cells are rapidly killed, a die-off (or Herxheimer reaction) occurs and metabolic by-products are released into the body. The Candida yeast cells actually release 79 different toxins when they die, including ethanol and acetaldehyde."
This is a VERY frightening double whammy on the liver. It is difficult enough for the liver to detox the normal bromide, fluoride & chlorine. NOW since we recommend starting at 100mg iodine, we have the additional Die Off effecting the liver.
As Newport said, this is a tough & complex problem that can have consequences that may need a
coffee enema (or more) to clean up.
This is very frightening to me. As a group, I think we need an improved procedure for Candid People to start iodine.
I don't know what to say, and I'm hoping Ginagirl & Trapper can help us out with this Can o Worms. I'm really glad that twopair opened this Can o Worms. It exposes a hole in our Detox Help Procedure Doc.
I need to improve this Candida Detox procedure (Do You Have Candida) with something that makes sense:
Let us all put our thinking caps on & come up with something. Gina & Trapper are both experts on Candida, and I am but a mere shadow in their presence.