Denouncing a psalmist.
Since only God truly knows the heart of imperfect men, i am more careful about denouncing people than you as well as being a lot more consistent about it.
Since you denounce todd bently for adultery, can it be assumed that you have also denounced King David who not only was guilty of adultery, but also of murdering an innocent man in cold blood, plotting and planning it first? Todd is not personally my "style", but if you denounce him for adultery and not King David who compounded his evil deed with murder, then this would make you a hypocrite. So do you denounce David? If so, do you also denounce every good thing David has ever done including writing the Psalms? Do you denounce Samuel for anointing David to be king and if Samuel were alive today and not in the bible, wouldn't you be accusing him of being a false prophet for anointing an imperfect man to be king who would go on to commit grave sins? Do you denounce God for speaking to Samuel to anoint David as a king who would go on to commit adultery and cold blooded murder? When you start denouncing people and you want to be consistent and un-hypocritical about it, where does all the denunciation finally stop?
The harshest words of Lord Jesus were spoken against the pharisees who were enemies of Spirit and Truth, stubborn hearted hypocrites, sons of the devil and the forefathers of cessationists and those who believe that "God's Living Voice is not for today".