Re: Be careful with advice you have received here....
A diagnosis and doctors really can't do much more for anyone anyway. They will prescribe the exact same meds and exact same doses... maybe even less... and if you dont respond to treatment, youre shit out of luck. They don't have access to secret anti
parasite drugs that we dont know about or any meds that cant be obtained by other means. Some animal meds like albendazole work a lot better in liquid suspension than in human tablet form because they are formulated to absorb better. Its not like you can feed cheeseburgers and ice cream to a goat when you deworm them... so they are made to be consumed with grass, hay, tin cans, whatever goats eat... and the human benefit is getting the most out of every dose.
Even with a diagnosis, doctors are in no rush to get anyone better. You sit for weeks waiting to see this guy for this and that guy for that... and they each tell you what you already know and give you more medicine and schedule more scans/scopes... which doesn't do a whole lot to correct the problem. So really... it isn't much different.
If getting a doctor and diagnosis and correct meds was really the absolute cure, then it's highly unlikely that the holier than thou "cured" people would even think about trolling a
parasite forum. Who the hell even thinks about something like that? Cured people are out living their lives, shopping for Coach bags and getting pedicures... not getting a rise out of sick people on an internet forum (that they've been banned from 100 times already).
These people are nobody... internet trolls do not validate or invalidate your condition or course of chosen treatment. People usually have an axe to grind when they can't fix their own problems.