Re: Trichinella Spiralis desperately need help.
HW (and other similar products with that herb combo) is one of those tricky treatments because either people really love and swear by it... or they absolutely hate it and wish they never would've taken it because it made their problems a whole hell of a lot worse. But, the makers seem very sincere and honest and won't BS you to make a sale. At this point, I'm not sure if you can get any worse so it might help...
I went the albenzadole route and at first I hated it because it didn't seem like it was helping, then I discovered I was taking it wrong. Once I took it with some fat, I felt 100 times better in like 3 or 4 days. Not everyone is the same and no matter which way you go, it takes time.
This is where it will be in your best interest to search the forums and form your own opinions.
In the beginning I was so desperate for relief that I almost jumped on all the different stuff being promoted. I was so overwhelmed with what direction to go in, that I just broke everything down and searched it, went through years of forum posts, members posts, tracked their progress (or lack thereof) and made notes of what symptoms responded to what therapy the best... and what made them worse, what had no effect etc.
And, no matter how gross it is, look at all the poop pics!
You can learn a lot about what goes on in the body by seeing what comes out of people.
I came to many conclusions...
- People (including myself) will try anything when they're desperate enough...
-Certain products/treatments seem to have a cult like following. They really were not making anyone any better, but they were obsessed with it anyway... and following some really bad advice about living on orange juice only (and religion and
Conspiracy theories, but thats another story)
-People will believe anything they read on the internet.
-People that push things usually have an agenda and really have no clue what they're talking about.
-People like to copy and paste the same message over and over to everyone, irregardless of someone's condition. These people usually have an agenda.
-The worst things happen to the sweetest people. Nobody deserves this kind of suffering.