Re: Mirena removed almost 2 months ago. Advice needed, please
Hi Kelly,
I read your first and second post, I hope you are doing better now!
I am wondering if you could tell me how your recovery is going.
I am 5 weeks post removal and still having horrible anxiety, thinking of the worst possible situations. When i think about old memories i usually feel my heart start racing and thats when i start to cry uncontrollably and my anxiety really kicks in. I also have a hard time staying sleeping, i wake up at 4am most mornings and try my hardest to go back to sleep.
In the beginning my sex drive was so diminished i could barely even look at my boyfriend, i thought he was some sort of stranger because i felt absolutely no connections and it made me feel like i was going insane! That has calmed down a lot since 5 weeks ago but i still sometimes feel like a terrible girlfriend, like thinking about my past makes me an awful person. I feel like i spinning in circles and theres no way to get out!!!!
Sorry for my LONG response I'd just really love to know how long it took you to feel completely normal again and what you did to get better.
Thank you so much for reading this!
I'm so grateful to have someone to talk to about this that has also gone through the same thing.