My partner has crohns like symptoms or IBS and thinks he is immune to parasites because he shits 10 times a day. He is starting to think i lost it. Im afraid of infecting my kids too, but it's easy to stop the spread of fecal contamination, but what if i was spreading around coughing?? I don't think you can pass it through breastmilk, but the meds would be passed on and thats whats gonna make it hard to treat for you. Most people here have infections through out their bodies because parasites move and scatter... this one lady has them in ber muscles and head too.. i will lose my shit if i see anything under my skin or crawl out my ears. I was doing really well calming myself down and telljng myself that its just candida... but now i had that feeling in my throat again so I'm a wreck and just flipping out again. I swore i wouldnt take any more meds until i saw the GI doctor.. but now i think i should head to tractor supply for some fenbenzadole. I cant go one more day like this.