That's what I was afraid of... so it would be a complete gamble and with a family of 5, plus their dad who's in close contactand has symptoms now and suspicious looking BMs, that's not a risk I want to take. I might be better off faking something that would require a colonoscopy to at least see the pinworms. My 17 year old has IBS type issues from being on accutane years ago so he should be easy, but i don't know what to say for the other 3. Gluten allergy maybe? I know they order colonoscopy for that, but i think only after bloodwork points to the allergy.. plus i don't know if forcing a procedure like that on kids would be borderline abuse? But what is allowing them to live with pinworms that won't go away? Which is the lesser of 2 evils? It's only going on week 3 of treatment so maybe we need more time.