Yes, I agree with you. It shouldn't be condoned in the church as something that is okay and acceptable. Of course, it is not everyone, hopefully people that post on this board are 'real' Christians and would show everyone love without persecution. In my experience, however, I have met a lot of Christians who's first response is to try to tell someone who is homosexual why what they are doing is wrong, instead of just sharing the gospel with them or just showing them compassionate kindness and love.
I feel that Christianity in general has built up a reputation of being judgmental and condemning rather than embodying Christ's example of unconditional love for all people. Hopefully, people on this forum are examples of Christians who do teach love and acceptance of all people. As we know, Jesus hung out with the sinners way more than he ever spent time with the false righteous because he knew these broken, humble people were much more ready to receive his message than the ones full of their own ego.