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Why are Christians obsessed with condemning gays?
saywhatagain Views: 914
Published: 11 y

Why are Christians obsessed with condemning gays?

I am really curious about this topic? And let me be clear and state, that I do believe that homosexual behavior is a sin, so that is not what I am trying to debate. What I am trying to debate is why it seems to be the #1 thing that Christians like to condemn. I can understand the issue of condoning this behavior in the Church, such as allowing homosexual ministers and even gay marriage in the Church. I can understand protesting this, my issue is the judgement and condemnation of Christians against these people.

It is the whole mindset that "God hates gays", really? I think that God loves unconditionally, every single sinful person on this planet and I honestly don't see a big difference between homosexuals that are living in sin and flesh and heterosexuals of whom 99.99999% are also living in sin and flesh, why are we singling out this group specifically and saying, you people are evil, when basically pretty much everyone is evil, yes it's true but why focus on it? Shouldn't we focus just on the Gospel message and really letting Jesus work on our own hearts? Think about it, even those who are practicing sexuality within the confines of marriage between man and women, if they are enjoying carnality of the flesh even for one moment, instead of pure love, that is also sin. Do we really think married couples are not engaging in sinful lustful behavior just because they have a proper marriage between man and woman? Almost all people struggle with their sexuality, especially Christians that strive to live as Christ wants them to live. Personally, I am a straight male, never married and it is extremely difficult to control my sexual urges, why? Because I am not fully saturated in Christ. But even, let's say if I did get married and continued to not be able to control my sexual urges but now I practice this sexuality within the confines of marriage, is this any less sinful behavior? For me, no, but I think many people do think this way. I'm not saying that married couples shouldn't have sex. I think it is perfectly fine and they can engage in this behavior and be free of sin if they have both dedicated their hearts to Christ completely and do not delight in the flesh but only in pure love. Now can anyone of you that are condemning gays really honestly say that you are free from sin? Whoever of you is without sin, you thrown the first stone.

Gay, straight, whatever you are, Christ loves you completely and fully, come to him and let him remove anything that is not of Him, be perfected in Him.


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