I read that page earlier, but I missed that about the aerobic bacteria. There is not an aerator in there now. Hopefully adding one will help. Any thoughts on aerator? I saw you said you'd probably try the sludgehammer if you were to try again, but was that just for a single tank. I've looked a bit at the septicair aid and the sepaerator. Not having any experience in all this I'm at a loss for how to choose. $900 is a pretty penny to me, so I hate to pick a bad one. :-) Also trying to figure out how I'm going to get the sodium percarbonate in the panels. I think it'll be a waste to put it in the pump tank and pump it up. I don't think I have a distribution box... According to the hand drawing from the county there is a clean out at the end of each line, so I'm hoping I can find those this weekend and flush a bunch down those.