Re: Iodine removing Fluoride and Halogen Displacement Theory
test tube displacement takes place when a lighter halogen is introduced in a 1:1 ratio. now i dont have the education to know if that is atom for atom or by total weight or what. i dont even know the mechanism by which this takes place.
i do know that your analogy is a bit flawed. there are a lot more atoms of fluorine in a gram than there are of iodine. about 6 times more. since our experience suggested that we were taking enough
Iodine to change the ratio of
Iodine to other halogens and that they were being displaced, it seemed to me that the key was the atom count.
IOW, if i took into the body enough
Iodine to surpass the atom count of other halogens then, along with all the other helpful processes in the mix, the opportunity to correct to iodine instead of bromine is greatly increased. bromine is fairly heavy itself so it doesnt take much iodine to get it moving. fluoride takes massive amounts of elemental and lots of time because it hides in hard tissue.
so make the chlorine marbles half again as big as the fluorine marbles. make the bromine marbles four times bigger than the fluorine marbles. make the iodine marbles 6 times bigger than the fluorine marbles. there is your model.