That's absolutely fascinating Trapper! You hit the nail on the head! The only problem you stated that i don't have is slow bowels and I make sure I don't by eating 40 to 50 grams of fiber a day.
In 2 weeks I'm starting the Hulda Clark liver cleanse to hopefully take care of that issue. In November 2013 my testosterone was 118 so now I have Testopel implants inserted in my backside to increase my Testosterone levels.
My A1C was 7.1 in November and has since fallen to 6.4. Once I found out my bromide level was 18 I immediately stopped drinking Mountain Dew and drank nothing but water with Celtic Sea Salt . My blood Sugar is always the highest when i first wake up for some unknown reason!
I also suspect I have an adrenal problem on top of everything else. Any suggestions on which way to go? I kind of feel like Humpty Dumpty after he fell off the wall. In a million pieces and really don't know where to start!