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The ingredients in a para cleanse WILL trigger herpes
morgticia Views: 18,882
Published: 11 y
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The ingredients in a para cleanse WILL trigger herpes

I don't feel the cleansing is the trigger for the herpes outbreak, it's the ingredients that are causing the outbreak.

In chinese herbal medicine, herpes is considered an internal "heat" problem. So certain foods that generate too much heat in the body can push the system into expression of an outbreak.

Many of the ingredients in parasite cleanses are known triggers. Walnuts in general are a no-no for herpe sufferers and most para programs include Black-Walnut . Black pepper is another.I'd bet that Wormwood could cause an outbreak as well as too much ginger.

As an aside, I had a dinner once of salmon crusted in black pepper and had an outbreak withing 2 hours. As I am super sensitive to foods and herpe outbreaks, I feel really confident that this is what caused your outbreak.

Dr. Clark's protocol has users taking arginine. That alone will cause a herpes event and must be balanced with lysine, although I've never felt lysine prevented an outbreak for me. High arginine foods such as walnut will cause outbreaks.

I've used a product called Paradex and it didn't cause outbreaks but does have Wormwood and Black-Walnut husks. I think it is not that strong though and that's why I didn't have a problem. My guess is that it's not going to do the trick.



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