>-With all the flaws of mainstream medical system about parasites, a lot of you don't have proof you have parasites, or proof
parasites are actually causing your problems, so it's a bit unfair to blame the system.
Actually, if you bother to study up, there has been several studies that show the ineffectiveness of lab testing in actually finding
parasites where they have already been verified to exist.
How do they do this? They find subjects known to have
parasites and re-verify. Then samples are taken and sent to the
parasite labs. On the first sample the labs usually find only about 50 percent accurately. on the second try they usually find another 15 to 20 percent. There is even a lower increase on the third try. Three tries often presents a 70 to 75 percent success in identifying parasites.
>- I urge you to start looking at other possible causes to your health problems other than parasites just in case
parasite are not causing your problems.
Most here already have. If anything, the presence of parasites and the extent of damage caused by parasites is severely underestimated in comparison to what you suggest.
>- I do agree mostly with
This is of course, an opinion and not scientific data.