Re: Brain atrophy (shrinkage). HELP.
(sorry about all the.misspellings here) My good! What have you done to your body? (this is not an attack) But obiously you have done.lot of harm to him for whatever the reason.
I think is important for your recovery to think about why have done all that to your self and work on that.
Thank good you already have changed many things for the better. That will make the path easier.
I dont know if yoir brain have shrinked but I dont think so.
A few years ago I did noice something similar. I had a healthy looking face and day I noiced my face and expresion changed. My eyer where sunken and.with dark.circles, the position of the head was different too. Even my jawline was different.
My eyes looked smaller and much older.because all the new wrinckles. I lost lots of hair and did get gray hairs too. And I lost too hair in my eyes and area.
Plus my skin color was paler. I looked tyred, older and soo different.
This is what an ilness or bad habits can do. Lately I'm reverting the proccess little by little. I dont think I will return to square one but I can get again my look back and thats more than enough. To be able to reconogcise myself again.
I wish I coul tell you a.nice recipe to doing.this but I can't. What I have done in the last two years is taking care of my body. Listen to him. Giving.him.good foods. And a multivitamin plus some extra vitamin C. I learnt to lots of things like homemade creams and hair masks. I apply on my face, eyes, hair only natural products. That helps. My hair looks a bit better and that helps a lot on how your face looks like. Mu eyerbrows and lashes have grown.
My lashes recently have grown even more and they are looking quite good. The only thing I did was a gentle.cleansing for a bug or something I had: eating only things I Know I tolerate well, so very simple. And 2 cups a day of
parasites killing herbs. After that something did get better.
With the new B vitamins I saw an impruvement on my face too. The tired look.went away. But if you read my last msg you will see I have to the B vitamins.
So yes, if you take care of yourself, probably you will be get back some of your youthness. And it helps the fact that you are very young.