Re: opinions wanted
Have you ever tried a b-complex? my whole world flipped when I ordered one home for the winter, with activated folic acid (metafolate) and b12 as methylcobalamine in it. Instead of falling into sleeplessness, I had a lot more energy and have not had a sleepless night since.
Apperantly those are two important factors in the body's methylation cycle (glutathione-producing) cycle. Have been living a good 18 years with
Amalgams impairing liver function, so something that changes sleep that much.. Big news for me.
I'm happy you are good on the selenium :)
I have been getting the pancreatic twinges myself, nowhere as big as a pang, but more like knocks and bumps, and sometimes squeals from my kidneys. everything's shifting around so much, that I'm learning a totally different body language.
Trapper's made a post recently about the importance of a
parasite and liver cleanse. Have you been through one?
There may be some facts behind the stories of liver flukes creating havoc in the pancreas. I'm wondering what sort of results I'll see when I'm able to go on one. :p