The most important parts of the program are to eat healthy, to get plenty of rest, to remineralize the body, and to detox toxins and negative emotions. Sounds like sound advice to me.
I think some practioners might push people to move through the process to fast. You have to figure out what works for you. But I did the program diligently for this last year and I can tell you that I could barely get off the couch for the first 6 months on the program. I think that would be enough to make most people quit but I had a gut feeling that it was detox and it would clear and sure enough I have way more energy now and feel WAY better then I did before starting the program.
Bottom line is that you need to listen to yourself. If you feel like the coffee enema is to much do as little amount of Coffee as you need to still feel comfortable. But it is also important to realize that the body will feel strange when releasing toxins and if you live in the modern world then you are for sure super toxic, especially if you are on curezone lol.