Wow! I am really happy to see that you could type that much. You are getting better. I hope you didn't over do it.
I don't think people should be shamed, but I do think encouraging people to go deeper into the things of the Lord is good. Sometimes people need encouragment to seek the perfect will of God for their lives. I think this thread got more into debating whether or not the gifts of the Spirit are still in operation today. You have to admit that someone who operates in the true gifts of the Spirit has the power of God flowing through them. Great power of God is flowing when blind eyes have been healed. Of course, we should not make light of other gifts that God has given as well like what you mentioned. So I agree with both you and Ed even if it sounds like double talk. All gifts, great or small, that come from God is a good thing. I also believe that gifts that we consider small, are large in God's eyes. After all, caring for the sick, the needy, the orphaned and the widowed is what it is all about. Criticism comes from both sides as I see it.