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Dr. Wilsons Terrible Diet Advice

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saywhatagain Views: 3,132
Published: 11 y

Dr. Wilsons Terrible Diet Advice

Have been reading a bit on Dr. Wilson's Website. I really disagree with this advice for 'fast oxidizers':

1. 70-80% cooked vegetables. To eat this many, you need to eat cooked vegetables three or perhaps four times daily. All vegetables are excellent except the following: mushrooms, artichokes, okra, summer squashes and the nightshades (tomatoes, white and red potatoes, eggplant and all peppers - both sweet peppers and hot peppers). A little cayenne pepper as a spice is fine.

--I do agree that we should eat plenty of cooked vegetables but saying that 70-80% of our food should come from them is rediculous, unless you are going to eat mostly sweet potatoes or potatoes (which he says to avoid), you are going to be severely calorie restricted, unless you are going to eat like 20 pounds of veggies a day, and then you will be seriously sick. Let's say you have a 2500 calorie diet. You have to eat 2000 calories worth of vegetables, good luck.

2. About 15% protein, mainly of animal origin. Have some flesh protein daily. ONLY EAT ONE KIND OF PROTEIN PER MEAL. Lamb is the best red meat in most cases, although good quality beef is excellent, too.

--don't know what scientific reason lamb and beef are so great for health, but also on your 2500 calorie diet, you can have 375 calories from protein. Realistically, what most people are going to do on this diet is probably eat about 3 or 4 times as much meat because it is really your only source of calories. What is the effect of eating this much meat on the body? Acidosis (even Dr. Wilson on another page says eating lots of meat is a leading cause of acidosis) and even further increasing oxidization levels (that is how low carb diets work, you increase oxidation levels and basically digest your own body and lose weight).

3. 7-8% complex carbohydrates. These include concentrated starches such as brown rice, millet, quinoa, amaranth and others. However, avoid all wheat products and most buckwheat. HAVE ONLY ONE TYPE OF STARCH PER MEAL.

--Now finally we get to something that has a little bit of nutritional value, complex carbohydrates are the #1 food that can actually SLOW oxidization in the body, how? Because they give your body something to oxidize instead of yourself! So you are basically starving for carbohydrates and Dr. Wilson lets you have 200 calories worth a day, just over one serving, gee thanks! That really fills me up.

4. Ideally, do not combine a heavy starch with a heavy protein. Instead, have a starch with vegetables, OR a protein with vegetables at each meal. You may also have just a cooked vegetable meal.

5. 6-7% high-quality fats and oils. Acceptable fats are from meat, eggs, dairy products such as butter or high-fat cheese, olive oil, and a little toasted almond butter. Avoid avocado, coconut oil and palm oil. These are too yin in Chinese medical terminology for common usage, no matter how nutritious they are.

--This is not nearly enough fat for the body. You need good sources of saturated fat, namely butter.

6. 0% simple carbohydrates. These are fruits, fruit juices, honey, maple sugar, agave nectar, other sugars, and all other sweets.

--Anyone that says to avoid fruit is a total nutcase and has no right to call themselves a doctor, nutritionist, or any kind of healer. Fruits are the #1 most nutritious and health-promoting food on the planet. Delicious and juicy, nourishing and make you feel happy to be alive. I'm not saying everyone needs to eat tons of fruit everyday, but all people (even diabetics) can benefit from at least a small amount of fruit (for diabetics it would be fruit lower in sugars like berries).

7. 0% chemicalized and fast foods. This includes all artificial sweeteners such as Aspartame and others. Also, limit stevia and other natural sweeteners. A little xylitol or stevia may be used, but try to avoid sweetening your food, which is mainly just a habit.

--Can't argue with that.

Generally, the more I read Dr. Wilson's work, the more it just doesn't make any sense at all. His diet advice is basically starving you to death at the exact time when you need MORE calories (namely good sources of carbohydrates). He writes a lot about the balance of minerals in the body but his advice on how to get them back in balance doesn't make any logical sense. Why did things get out of balance in the first place? By his logic (which I agree with) is that stress caused the hormones to get out of whack, which caused the minerals to go out of balance. So by logic, to reverse this process, you would get the hormones back in balance and this in turn will fix the mineral ratio right? But Dr. Wilson's whole plan is supplementing with all kinds of crazy ratio's of minerals and nothing about correcting hormone levels. The whole thing just makes no sense.



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