Today is two weeks past removal and I feel amazing! I am sleeping great! I feel strong and 90% of my pain is gone. I still have some burning in my left hip at night. I think through all of this I developed bursitis in that hip. The last two days my hips have been clicking really loud when I get up from sitting for an extended period. I feel so much relief with the click and feel like my joints are settling back into place. I no longer feel like my femurs are going to pop out of socket when I get up from a chair. I am moving around a lot faster and feel pep in my step. My spine is much more flexible. My favorite yoga instructor says age is measured by the flexibility of the spine, so I already feel decades younger than I felt while using the Mirena. I have not been back into an exercise routine. I am about to move and pretty much everything in my life will be out of routine for another 6 weeks. By March I would like to be in a groove with my yoga practice and running regularly. So, abstinence did not really work out. I had a pretty heavy period for a week following Mirena removal. I bled right up until ovulation. My husband and I were kind of careful, but perhaps not enough. I should begin my next period no later than January 31st. I sure hope I am not pregnant. My breasts were very sore yesterday and a little today. If I am pregnant, it is not the end of the world, but definitely not in the plans. I already have two children. I would like more, but I also need to get back to working. We really need the extra income.