Please someone help me I feel like I'm dieing
I will try to keep this short, may be impossible though
Two years ago March 2012 I started having anxiety attacks out of the blue. Have been on Zoloft for 12 years (off & on)
as this progressed I upped my dosage to the highest and then went all the way of weaning completely off it. During this time I started taking clonazepam
Fast forward to April 2013 I have lost almost 50lbs and gut pain is near to unbearable. Have endoscopy with biopsy and am found to have H-pylori. Treated with PrePac for 14 days
June 2013 still sick, hydrogen breath test reveals SIBO (small intestinal bacteria overgrowth) again treated with
Antibiotics 14 days.
fast forward to today, have been told that both infections have been eradicated, I now have IBS and Fibromyalgia!!!
My symptoms are so vast and multiple
NO ENERGY what so ever
brain fog so bad I can not get out of my own way
anxiety (wired & tired)
aches and pains all over
gut pain and now am gluten and dairy intolerant
muscle twitches
sleep problems
intolerance to cold
I just can't go on it sounds like I'm a hypochondriac
so saw my umpteenth dr the other day. He is "Integrative, Holistic" M.D.
he took a bunch of blood tests and urine. Thinks adrenal fatigue
told me to take "fasting vitals" 1st thing in morning and then again before bedtime.
I read (just today got James L. Wilsons book Adrenal Fatigue, that you test BP by sitting and then standing and if there is a drop that's a red flag. Mine drops significantly
also I did the "pupil" test and it was scarey watching my pupil vibrate and go in and out.
So with all that said (how did I do by keeping it short LOL)
NOW WHAT? I have not been able to work in a year, pretty much disabled by this. Trying my best not to become agoraphobic or to increase my meds.
I take 50mg Zoloft and .75mg clonazepam (just cut clonazepam by .25mgs a week ago) take vit. C 1000mg and magnesium 600mgs
I just don't know where to turn or what to do, never been this sick in my life and it just seems to be getting worse