Re: the 11pm adrenaline rush!
Chicken biryiani one of my faves john!
Well today the good patch came to a slight halt in that I woke with palps and felt unrefreshed first thing. I think its histamine/glutamate from the gluten free bread I re-introduced yesterday. Oh well that has to go!
So nutritional / diet factors will always be a factor for me. I need to cut out cheese which is high in glutamate / histamine too. However, behind these problems with my health I am under no illusion is a psycho / emotional causal factor. my brother and I were discussing some family issues going on at the moment and it came up how strict mom was on me and him (the eldest of 4). So much so my aunty recently told him she wished shed intervened because she could always see problems (she is the eldest sibling and childless but visits a lot).
I believe the combination of me being an HSP (highly sensitive person), with certain genetic markers towards certain health issues alongside a hyper strict childhood saw me / my body protest/rebel. Hence leakly gut, allegris, AF! I dont want to dwell on the negative and I live a full, satisfying life but I think before anyone heals they need to face any anger / guilt / repression in their own lives before they can forgive and move on.