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Re: the 11pm adrenaline rush!
aerowallah Views: 4,405
Published: 11 y
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Re: the 11pm adrenaline rush!

Hi, Greg

A few points:

1.I've tried all those things for insomnia. Some of them do have paradoxical reactions and cause insomnia. Especially B6 and 5HTP which some say elevates cortisol. Have you tried dropping everything and adding back one at a time?

2. My AF list of insomnia triggers now include: low melatonin, low serotonin; low GABA; low or high cortisol; high glutamate; high histamine; detox (adrenaline); a combo. Have you had a saliva test to see where other neurotransmitters are?

3. I'm not clear on the relationship, but isn't one either high copper or high histamine but not both? I almost had my ceruplasmin test last week but for the winter storms!

4. Meanwhile I have had 100% success with the following cocktail that is somewhat scattershot: 1 hour before bed-- 2 Kavinace + 2 Cortisol Manager (Phosphatidyl + adaptogens) + a couple mgs melatonin + 1 Benadryl.

ONce I get that copper test (I am very suspicious of NB dogma) and restest evening cortisol I will start to eliminate.
Until I have results to act on my imagination will work against me if I arbitrarily drop sleep aids from the cocktail and manifest more insomnia!

Also, a little tip from sleep hygiene--those hours I would normally thrash in bed I stay up doing something else. I used to edge myself into anxiety as I missed that window before "second wind" thus ensuring I hit it. I take the cocktail and then wait until I am really drowsy without watching the clock because a HSP's problems are partially self-induced by a keen and overactive imagination!



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