Re: Lyme or Mercury/Heavy Metal Toxicity?
At first glance, I would discount Lyme. I have a relative with it. But I’m no Dr.
My thoughts are to look at the gluten possibility. By saying this, I hope I have not fallen into the trap many before me have found themselves in on CZ: that this one mineral or vitamin or supplement would cure the world of every disease known to mankind. Most on CZ are ones who continue to experiment and research a lot. I am such a person. Even did chelation. Good stuff.
Last month there was a “Gluten Summit” webinar. I was 1 of over 115K worldwide who listened in during this week long of interviews of over 29 Dr, researchers, dieticians. Very informative, but I did not have to be convinced. Over a yr ago my new MD suggested I do a 6 wk trial of going gluten-free. I thought he was crazy, but he wasn’t. I am better than I’ve been for several yrs. The webinar said over 80 problems are caused by wheat. The ones you mentioned are among those mentioned (even the one about iron. Sounds weird doesn’t it?)
My suggestion is for you to do a Google search. Name just one of your problems… then add “and gluten”. Then go to the next issue. See what others have done to improve their health.
Agree to try it for 6 wks. You should see changes for the better within 2-3 wks. Should you CHEAT, and you will, pain and suffering will certainly revisit you.
By the way, it takes a long time to heal the gut, messed up by gluten. Getting off gluten IS the first step. I am now into the first wk of a protocol the webinar mentioned. Altho I see benefits already, I am not ready to comment till more time passes.
I’ve been “preaching” this to others this past yr. To most this is just another “fad”. Hard to convince others until they become convinced themselves. One other item I suggest is to avoid “diet pop” (anything with NutraSweet). I found out the hard way 25 yr ago.
Well, tell me, did I just waste 30 minutes composing this?