BTW, I have experienced that drinking magnesium sulfate has given me a MAJOR candida flareup. Take the H.Clark and Curezones warnings seriously first about de-amalgamating your teeth and using a candidacide (candex/ Wormwood tincture+cloves+(burdock root?)) and get to using Apple cider vinegar daily with some activated charcoal.
Geophagy/internal use of calcium Bentonite has really thrown my mineral balances off badly too.
Magnesium Taurate is the most superior form of manesium there is, and won't feed Candida or almost any other bad bug out there, but there is one particular bugger out there that likes it (I believe it's in the lyme disease family?)
Magnesium Malate is very gently on me and doesn't flare-up (yeastie-beasties) that fast, but some buggers (again, yeastybeasties) love feeding on malic acid.