I will tell you both this (and I am sensitive to this stuff, so keep that in mind), I'm not sure if it was the Drenamin or Drenatrophen (I think it was the latter), but my massage therapist and chiropractor tested me for one of them and stuck several in my mouth and dutifully I swallowed. I felt fine and my usual self that day, but the next few days, when I decided not to continue with them, I felt more adrenal fatigue. That one day of taking them also seemed to postpone my period by about a week.
This has happened twice, and both times I had a similar reaction, so in my opinion, it is always best to wean off, no matter how short a time frame or how mild the "glandular". I doubt that either of you would be as sensitive as I am, but just in case, I thought I'd mention it.