I guess that I just felt that having a low TSH indicated something was amiss - but thinking about it I guess its likely that my low TSH may be a result of what could be 'hot' nodules right??
The doctor I see has said nothing about whether my nodules are hot or cold and I have not had a radioactive Iodine scan. Just two ultra sounds and one needle biopsy and two blood tests so far.
My actual free T3 results were 4.5pmol/L and on repeat a few weeks later 4.9. My free T4 were 15pmol/L and then 17.8. TSH undetectable on both occasions.
Yes I have read about the importance of Selenium, Vitamin C etc. I am thinking I may start off with half a 12.5mg of Iodoral (and increase slowly over a few weeks to maybe 2 tablets) and 200mcg of Selenium and a general mutlivitamin. Give it a few weeks to see what changes I observe particularly in the size of my nodules and goiter. Does that seem reasonable?