Keep in mind the recommended limit for Vitamin D supplementation is about 2000-4000 IU/day for adults (depending on your level of deficiency), with a maximum limit of 10000 IU/day. That is 250 mcg, well below this 12,000 mg amount -- which I think would be enough to take down a wooly mammoth.
"Vitamin D 1000 μg (40,000 IU)/day causes toxicity within 1 to 4 mo in infants. In adults, taking 1250 μg (50,000 IU)/day for several months can cause toxicity."
Folks, let's be careful about throwing cure claims around that may cause people irreversible damage. I agree with longterm about getting tested before discounting bacterial/fungal/deficiency theories. Best to continue with the sun treatment if possible while covering other bases -- sun cannot produce Vitamin D toxicity. Goodbye Pacific Northwest -- off to Central America I go!