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14 year old with poo smells please help
Smelly teen Views: 4,854
Published: 12 y

14 year old with poo smells please help

Read the first three paragraphs for a shorter and quicker read. Also please read the last paragraph.

Ever since last year, I've smelt like poo. It's drastically gotten worse and now, I sometimes get fart smells too.

I'm 14 years old.. I'm on a diet at the moment where I only have fruit and vegetables as well as leafy greens and milk for my calcium. However, I still do eat the same dinners my family eats which is usually meat. Still, I get the same horrific poo smell coming from my backside. I use baby wipes throughout the day and shower for at least 10 minutes scrubbing everywhere three times. So now I know that it isn't hygiene issues.. And it's not the diet (although the diet does kinda fix the fart smells, I'm pretty sure the milk is still giving me the fart smells) I also drink plenty of water each day as well as lemon water.

I get sweat on my ass more than average each time I'm sitting down in class although it is not a horrible amount of sweat. Some of you are probably thinking the odour is caused by swamp ass (the sweat) but you're wrong. Even when I don't sweat, I still get the same poo smells. I know for sure that the poo smell is coming from my backside because hanging my bottom off the side of the chair dramatically makes me smell less and makes the air next to me smell. I keep thinking to myself, when I leave class with my heart shattered to go wipe with tissue paper, why the bloody hell doesn't the tissue paper smell? And then I go back to class, take another seat and will be smelling again almost instantly. The sniffles and comments that I receive make it oh so much worse..

What I've noticed is that the odour is worse when inside, stress and anxiety sometimes make it worse and sweating makes it worse.

Right now as I sit at my computer chair I'm just stinking it up, smelling like poo. I'm going to be starting a parasite cleanse for two months in about 8 weeks. As I'm doing this, I will be cleaning my colon too. After the two months, I will continue to clean my colon in search for an answer.

Will activated charcoal help?

I truly am so sorry for making this so long but I was never good with shortening documents. So please, what is this caused by? How can I fix this? How can I reduce the smell? I want my life back :(


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