if you have any physical symptoms such as the ones i've mentioned before, it's best to tell your doctor about those symptoms. bring up the Body Odor as another symptoms you experience from time to time that's been bothering you. Most likely, the odor is just a symptom of a underlying issue.
For instance, when i went to my doctors i didn't tell them that i had an odor problem. i simply told him that i been constipated and a bunch of other symptoms that i experience along with the odor. unfortunately, i had hemorrhoids so that how i got referred to a gastro. then, the gastro preformed a colonoscopy and found i had several polyps in my colon. i believe my bad eating habits gave me polyps and these polyps led to all my symptoms including the constipation which led to hemorrhoids. I also believe that all this may be the cuase of my odor. man, why didn't i see that coming!