some people go through extreme measures to hide their odor but don't try to find what's cuasing it. for example, scrubbing your bumhole until it's raw or even beelding means your might of scrub off all the good bacteria from your bumhole.This can cause bad bacteria to take over that area and may cuase you to smell more. so instead, you can try to fill the tub up to your thighs and sit in the water for about 10-15 min everytime you have a bowel movement. if you need to use soap use soap that are mild or don't have to much/strong fragrence. I use a hypo-allergenic shampoo or soap but be careful cuase some companies just put labels on their stuff that isn't what it claim to be.
Also doing clenses that can harm your body. or even taking what my doctor prescrbed me Polyethylene Glycol 3350 on a daily basis for months or years can cuase you to be dependent on the powder or even worse. Although, some supplements can be good for you, such as vitamins and mineral and what not. but beware of the ones that can damage your body. reasearch and ask alot of questions about anything and everything you may put into the body. Keep in mind that there are things that are dangerous.