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Re: Enemas vs Infrared light sauna- has anyone tried them?
feo66 Views: 2,092
Published: 12 y
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Re: Enemas vs Infrared light sauna- has anyone tried them?

I do them both. In fact... I do a "Saunema". I have a set-up in the bathroom so I can do the Saunas with the Coffee Enemas.

The coffee enemas are certainly powerful for helpful reduce detox symptoms.

I could not take zinc until I started the CEs. I could not handle the copper than was being pulled out of storage by the zinc

My wife (also doing NB), gets vertigo and nausea unless she does the CEs

My sister (also doing NB) just mentioned to me this weekend that she started up her CEs after a couple of weeks of not doing them, and she noticed that her headaches and nausea went away the same day.

The benefit of the saunas is not as immediately noticeable, but I do them anyway.



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