When the local mason boys baseball coach and gym teacher renews his subscription to NAMBLA pedophile man boy sex club and buys pedophille p 0 r n pictures with his cards, we can all know about it and put that pedophille perverts devil possessed mug on the 5 O'Clock news.
And save 10's, 100's and possibly 1000's of other young boys from being raped by pedophilles.
Everything you ever THOUGHT even is already recorded in the crystaline rings around saturn, that big old floppy disk in the sky. Saturn is called lord of karma and the grim reaper because ALL human thought ever thought on earth is RECORDED in saturns giant rings. Humans reap what they sow and get what they deserve based on thier own individual THOUGHTS, actions, goodness, wholesomness and purity of motives or lack thereof.
Evil destroys itself.
The devil and his lost snake headed evil demons should always be out-ed and exposed and transformed back into the Light, so they can not reinfest and possesses others. http://curezone.com/blogs/m.asp?f=831&i=1