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Status: R [Message
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Re: Computer Evils - MH ALERT, your sites set "tracking cookies"
"So why blather on about it if this is not relevant to the questions or rather points at hand?"
because what he was saying was not true, and the points he was making were not true. and because it written well enough that many people would assume it was true, and then they go tell their friends, etc etc spreading more FUD.
more fear over things that are not real is not going to heal anything, so stick with the truth, and if you find out that you were wrong -- have the guts to admit it. thats one of the things i like about mh -- he's not afraid to stand up and rant, and he's not afraid to say that he's been wrong, and he makes it clear that he will change his position as he gets more educated. thats called guts. and what good is cleaning out your guts if you never use them?
the grocery card tracking -- true.
credit card tracking -- true.
electrical use tracking -- true.
facial recognition software going everywhere -- true.
automatic parsing of all emails and phone calls -- true