Re: Thirst/urination during night
I missed the thirsty part. I have never experienced.
But there was long periods of time where I would urinate frequently at night.
And high night time cortisol is common. That is why so many of us have insomnia.
Can you go on long road trips without having to stop often to pee?
From an NB perspective, I've been thinking lately that when we rest at night (even if not on NB), the body takes advantage of the time to move along metals, causing insmonia.
Pam K mentioned to me one time that metals can cause either excessive or lack of thirst or hunger. Apparently the metals affect the area of the brain responsible to signaling.
I haven't done any research to see if that claim is supported.
However, about 1.5-yrs ago when I was first working at copper deotox, I had non-stop hunger. I would eat a big meal, but still feel completely starved ... so I would eat some more (Natway would have been proud). But it actually felt felt like my hunger switch couldn't turn off.