Sleep has improved for me from 3-3 1/2 hours 4 months ago to now 6-7 hours per night.Normal pattern for me now is go to sleep at 8:30PM, wake up at 12AM, urinate and get a drink of water because i am also thirsty.Stay awake for 1-1/2 hours until getting another 3 1/2-4 hours sleep and waking up at 5.30 needed to urinate and get a drink again.
I always empty bladder before going to bed and ensure i drink a little water before going to bed also.
Any tips here? I think it is an aldosterone problem as during the day i am reasonly good now with the fluid imbalance.HTMA was sodium 42 (high), calcium 28(lowish), Magnesium 1.8 (low), Potassium slightly elevated but not in high range.