Re: ARL and detox
Hi Ricky,
If you have had chronic stress and adrenal fatigue for long enough, it is pretty hard to NOT have a lot of toxins.
Stress reduces Vitamin C and Glutathione, which allows toxins to get the upper hand.
And just because they don't show up in your hair analysis, doesn't mean they are not there. Ironically, the lower toxic metals are on your hair ... the more toxic you probably are.
If you have very low energy, your body does not even try to remove them, so it doesn't show up in your hair.
As you start to get more energy, toxins can start to increase in hair.
Good luck whatever you decide. The programs are different. I hope the both work for everyone.
For me, the
coffee enemas really help to clear the liver log jam, but I understand that people have trouble with them.