I have gastritis and a stomach ulcer likely caused by certain bad bacteria and a deficiency in friendly bacteria causing dysbiosis and or SIBO and I would like to try high dose vitamin C to see how I respond. My stool sample shown a high level of streptococcus ( which can apparently cause acidosis ) and zero growth of lactobacillus. What worries me is that with a diagnosed stomach ulcer and also gastritis will vitamin c cause my stomach to produce excess acid thus worsening the inflammation and ulcer ?.
I also worry about taking probiotics and kefir since you read they can feed bad bacteria , it's all so confusing. I've no idea what to think about these but then surely a deficiency in lactobacillus needs to be treated somehow. I think I finally know what's wrong with me but I'm really struggling with what to do in regards to treatment and this is way above my GP's knowledge field and I get 5 minutes max per appointment which just isn't enough time.
Sorry if I'm treading over old ground here , it's just that I haven't come across anyone with these problems with stomach inflammation and ulcers complicating the treatment.