Re: My guess
Yes, I very much agree with your response. It makes absolute sense to me. I
abhor the taking of drugs and will only do so under extreme duress. Every day
I get to see firsthand the effects of pharmaceuticals on my husband, who lost both of
his hip bones due to massive amounts of prednisone administered via IV,
when he had ulcerative colitis many years before we met. He had to have
his first 2 hip replacements in his thirties (he is now 59, and had both
hip replacements revised in '01 and '02). He is a poster-boy for the dangers
of pharma. (He now suffers from Parkinsons, which he feels he got either
from all the anesthetic he has had to have over the years from all
the surgeries, including removal of his colon, or from the prednisone itself.)
Thanks for your post! I am going to print it out and keep it.