Re: What Do We Really Know For Sure?
Did you get the lesions?
Garlic oil and saline mixed into a liquid for spraying is what I recommend to others for clearing the sinuses. tinactin antifungal placed upon a q-tip for the ear canal.
Interesting that you didn't have to resort to compounds to expel the parasitic life forms. I believe you, you have no reason to lie to me or to others. Did you squeeze your own garlic bulbs or did you use the oil from a health food source?
Sufferers have reported back to me after using and eating bushels of garlic, that they had not had any progress.
More mysteries to solve.
I think it's wonderful that you healed. does the hot weather still stress you a bit/ it does myself and a few others that had this mess.
The id of the vector, an arthropod, has been made and a complete taxonomy of it will soon be ready.
Good luck with all you do and I look forward to discussing more things with you in the near future.