Re: Gout questions very simple cure
Hi Boldy,
thanx for your response. May I ask, how many cranberries did you use
to how much water? Did you simply soak them for a while and consume,
after putting them thru a blender? (am assuming you did this w/o sugar,
which would make them quite tart?)
I know this is not going to go over very well on this forum, but would
you believe, my problems began when I did my very first organic fresh-squeezed
OJ fast in May, following a liver flush? This I did, and after 4 days, I
developed a paralyzing pain in my left lower abdomen, which turned out
to be the first shingles-related symptom. Then the pustules formed, and
the neuralgia around to the back (lower-back, opposite to the area on
the colon which hurt and was distended) and the lower-back pain, which went
on for 5 weeks. Right after the last of those symptoms was gone, the
gout pain (or whatever it is) began. So I think you can understand I'm
not too eager to begin another OJ fast at this time! :-) Not saying that
the OJ fast *caused* these things, I know that these things were already
inside of me somewhere, and the fast *may* just have brought them on--I'll
never really know. In any case, I was advised to stay away from citrus
for "2-3 months." Those 3 mo. will be up in mid-August, so for now I will
have to content myself with just a beet/carrot/cuke/bitter greens fast.