Any diabetic knows that sugars can be, and are rather quickly absorbed into the bloodstream. There-in is why the sugars from a candy bar, or an Oreo cooky for that matter, will rather quickly raise a diabetics blood sugar level and pull them out of impending shock, without having to go through the entire digestive tract. Beyond that, the basic products of digestion are amino acids, sugars, and fatty acids; along with salts, etc... It is not inconceivable for sugars and salts from a maple syrup-sodium bicarbonate blend to be absorbed rather quickly into the blood stream. Whether that blend then kills cancer cells, I do not know. Your comparison of a sodium bicarbonate mix being put into the gas tank of a car, not being able to reach the battery terminals of that car, where all parts are not physiologically interconnected; to a human body, where the the parts are all physiologically interconnected, is a rather misleading oversimplification!