Re: Sodium Bicarbonate therapy for cancer
Tony - why not do some more research on sodium bicarbonate
before you attack a doctors character. Sodium bicarbonate
is actually used with conventional chemo in order to stop it killing you. It also enhances conventional chemo since
oncologists use it to manipulate the ph of the cancer cell.
Could this be why poisonous chemo works ???? because it is
combined with sodium bicarbonate. Are you sure sodium bicarbonate is not absorbed through the stomach ?? Salt is. Sodium bicarbonate can go through the skin and as far as I know the stomach lining.
When you go for an scan they use sugars to take the radiation marker into the cancer cell - so we know that sugar is gobbled up by cancer cells. So why could maple syrup not drag the sodium bicarbonate into the cancer cell
- shift the PH and kill it. Why attack a qualified doctors character rather than find out about the theory.
By the way the maple syrup and sodium bicab precede dr
simoncini. He uses sodium bicarbonate IV into the tumour mass.
Why would he put himself on the line here when he could have earned a fortune as a traditional oncologist.