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Re: Catecholamines compensate for low blood pressure?
purplepixie Views: 1,719
Published: 12 y
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Re: Catecholamines compensate for low blood pressure?

Yes i agree, the fight flight syndrome is a very potent form of producing catecholamines, and is the main pathway for this to occur. The triggering of repression is a common pathway for their release and is commonly medicated against or usually symptoms are 'managed' through techniques like meditation, EMDR, CBT, EFT etc, but i've yet to meet anyone who have found complete cure through the current tools known for this particular trait.

Aside from that, getting back to the thread topic, i was curious about other elements that would also cause an adrenalin release...specifically blood pressure irregularities.

Initial research suggests this is the case. It's also very common with what's termed 'heart failure' to have excess adrenalin release for years before even a heart problem is detected.

It seems that adrenalin serves as the primary 'survival' chemical - when homeostasis of the body is disrupted IN ANY WAY it seems that adrenalin is released. Whether that be from an impending threat to our survival, heart rhythm problems, viral/bacterial immune attack, or parasites etc.

It's certainly food for thought the many mechanisms that will trigger a flood of catecholamines.
I'll research it more when i'm done moving house, and post up what i find.



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