Oregano Oil rocks! I shortened a few sore throats in a matter of minutes by swallowing 4 drops of it mixed in some olive oil. I wish my mother had used it on me instead of Nyquil or Dayquil when I was a kid-- because quite honestly, those over-the-counter cold medicines did nothing for me except make me groggy and tired, or wired and jumpy. The cold or flu never got better from them. The oregano oil gets to the root of the problem, killing off the viruses, parasites ,or cold germs that started the whole cold to begin with.
Expect the FDA to take it off the market one day-- or else have chemist's corrupt it so that it can no longer compete with their drug poisons. :p
It has greatly helped in conquering sinus parasites I had for years (before I knew oregano oil existed). MH mentioned once that it is a good parasite controller if you take 2 drops under the tongue for 5 days a week for life-- also taking Olive Leaf along with that- so I do that now and have a few bottles set aside in an emergency bag- if we have to leave our homes in case of a disaster like Katrina.