Seattle Tom:
You stated your "ND re-evaluated you; you had been doing lots of detox prior to that, and she told me that my adrenals were low. You resumed taking some of the adrenal supplements."
Here are some ideas/ suggestions to address your concern.
1- remove the cause/ culprits in your food choices and replace with definitely high-water Hydrating foods [fruits & vegetables suitable for your body type and temperment]. Know which foods are triggering your conditions and consider more alkalanizing food choices, ie., warm water & fresh-squeezed lemon upon rising each day
2- try "rebounder" exercise; go for a walk to your favorite outdoor place where sunshine may help invigorate
3- engage in your favorite [childhood] activity where YOU were the creator/ author of beautiful creating
4- do you have at least one trusted confidant you can re-connect with?
5- My affiliation with this entity serves to bring you well-researched, trusted, real tried and true results. Perhaps you've heard of them? The Founder behind this company can serve as a major resource, that can immediately address your "Depression, Extreme Adrenal Fatigue, and thoughts of Suicide" by helping to bring and restore harmony and balance to your well being>
...Best Wishes to your healing