egg sacs
Thank you so much for posting these pictures. They were extremely helpful in investigating the mystery of my experience. I did my 7th
Liver Flush in August, my 4th time adding
Black-Walnut tincture to the olive-oil grapefruit mixture. - My first time having my unique results. Day after flush- the usual release of gallstones...but the next day..a bowel movement with 2 roundworms clearly in the bowl with it. I still regret not taking a picture but I am also a colon therapist so I've seen lots of things come out of the intestines that can be confused with stringy mucus. But this was VERY CLEAR to me- 2 roundworms about 5-6
inches long each- 1 wrapped around the bm, the other floating on it's own, they were clearly dead (not squirming/moving). I could hardly believe my eyes but examined them closely to be sure, and had NOT eaten any spagetti prior to this bm :) I was inspired to continue my cleansing doing a modified 'arise and shine'
Colon Cleanse in the month of september. I continued a strict vegan gluten free diet working into a 6 day juice fast towards the end. (I was also taking a home-brewed Chinese Herbal detox formula- I'm also an acupuncturist). On day 3 of the juice fast I felt pretty toxic and went to the bathroom- I had been doing lots of
colonics and only releasing liquified black mucous in the bathroom up till this point. I had a little mucus come out but noticed a strange thing in the toilet. 3 very round, very white, gelatinous looking things that while pretty round had a slightly fibrous look to the edges. I even described them as looking like small wet cotton balls. I imagined that maybe my lymph system was releasing some sort of cysts, as toxins are often stored in fat or sealed off from the body. I left to go to work..unfortunately not taking a picture (what was i thinking?!!) Surprisingly after feeling toxic for the previous 24 hours of my juice fast, all of a sudden after this bowel movement, I felt GREAT! My energy returned and stayed throughout the rest of the juice fast and beyond. I eventually decided to investigate and found these pics on cure zone. I was sooooo appreciative for this because it made so much sense that they would be egg sacs, especially after my release of the 2 roundworms. I have since done another cleanse, including a
Liver Flush and colon cleanse, this time adding more
parasite herbs- tinctures of
Black-Walnut ,
Wormwood and clove..but no worms or sacs came out. I am continuing to learn more and more about this though and detox has become the focus of my career in the health field. I will continue to do more cleanses and keep a camera handy. I will post any interesting pics but just wanted to say thank you for posting these shots above as they look extremely similar to what came out of me! Thank you cure zone and all those out there with an open investigative mind when it comes to the wild world of health!