Parastite eggs after Liver Flush
There was a lengthy thread a couple weeks ago:
and it showed this photo:
I did a humaworm cleanse (finished a week or so ago) and last night did a
Liver Flush and passed a bunch of these today. I also remember passing these over 20 years ago so I've had them a while.
Couple of questions:
after re-reading the thread I'm still confused as to what these may be? Eggs for Liver Flukes or nematodes?
I can't get on the Old Amish site - it doesn't seem to be working - I thought I read that they felt these were eggs from Liver Flukes but I'm not 100% positive. Does anyone have a link to that site? It was in my favorites but no longer works.
Someone said their naturopath identified this as coming from the Liver which makes sense to me since they came out after a liver flush.
What kind of Doctor do you go to for parasites? Should I seek the help of a a naturpath? Are there special meds for this type of bug?
9 days into my first humaworm I passed what looked like little red beans one had a white head on it. I was told probably liver flukes (which is what I was thinking) Then Memorial Day week end I passed a little hot dog looking thing that did not look like a fluke at all. Photo:
A few days ago I passed a little round thing that looked like a kernal of corn but when I "fished" it out it was a little round white thing that had a dark spot in the center only on one side.
UGH. So are all these things related to each other? Do I have more than one type of parasite? How do I get rid of these things??
Thanks for any help you can give me. Your posts and threads have been very helpful.
edited to add photo from 2004 post from a
parasite page - still confused. Nematode or Trematode?