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Image Embedded Re: Parastite eggs after Liver Flush
jessesmom1987 Views: 119,978
Published: 17 y
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Re: Parastite eggs after Liver Flush

I have gotten the same egg sacks with reddish/brown little worms in them about 5 different times--followed a few days after by a large ascaris round worm. Nematode, which is what the Amish site says too. After finding them in a normal BM, I have always followed up with coffee enemas, to make sure I've gotten them all flushed out of there, and have always gotten more of them. I don't know that as large as the ascaris were that followed them, if they could have lived in the liver-but the eggs definetly came out in coffee enemas that detox the liver--my "wondering" is...if the eggs are released when the worm is dying--and get carried to the liver in the blood stream to be detoxed?? They aren't small egg sacs-the first batch I got, I counted 25 of them floating in the toilet. Several times that I got them, was just after I had started taking 3,000-4,000 of Coq10, 1,000 mg of L-cysteine 3x a day, and because I was waiting on the ozonated oil to get here, but I wanted to start the Clark cleanup for ascaris/tapeworm, I used coconut oil. Each time that I've gotten the egg sacs, was the next morning after having night sweats so bad the night before, that I had to get up and change my nightie. In the Clark cleanup, she says night sweats are caused by ascaris eggs being released...and they will hatch out within 24 hours if not killed. When I do see the egg sacs, I hit the dewormer harder that has wormwood, black walnut, and especially cloves, and I do extra zapping.

The large ascaris that I've killed- haven't been white like you'd expect--the skin has been floating seperately, the main body of the worm has been brown... looked like twisted strands of rope and were as thick as one of my finger's. But, I've also gotten the long, spaghetti noodle ascaris too. The ones that have come after seeing the egg sacs first, were the thicker, larger ones.

A couple of pic's of the egg sac's I've gotten--the 2nd one is to show the size in relationship to the quarter, they turned darker after they had been exposed to air for awhile, and also after being put in a jar with alcohol.

I discovered that you can click on the pictures to enlarge them too.

nematode, ascaris egg sacs

nematode, ascaris egg sacs



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