Journey update
I thought a would post another update on my self discovery journey into better health.
A quick history: I started my
Iodine intake in August 2011. I gradually added to the co supps until I was taking all the necessary supps. Intake started at 5mg and has moved all the way up to 100-150mg.
I have had breakthroughs along this journey. The first time I took
Iodine I remember feeling on top of the world - energetic and confident. Almost a new man. That feeling only lasted a day or two.
Other breakthroughs included the addition of borax, turmeric and pink salt.
Now, being a bit naive I thought that
Iodine would be the cure all. It wasn't. Improvements included better immunity. But I still felt cold in the extremities, fatigue when waking and poor mood.
Being a personal trainer it dawned on me that I was giving my clients better care than myself.
My nutrition was not up to scratch. My sleep was poor in terms on pattern and quality. I was not following an exercise plan. I was ommiting aerobic exercise in favour of all weight based. I was partying too hard on the weekends - too much alcohol, some recreational drug use which led onto even worse sleep/nutrition. Basically, I was kidding myself.
And now onto my next breakthrough. I had had enough of bring sub-par most of the time - even though I was better still on iodine. It was time to change multiple areas of my life.
So now I am experimenting and supplementing my iodine journey with better lifestyle changes/choices. I am 2 weeks into this experiment - I suspect I have had hormonal imbalances due to my lifestyle.
- no alcohol/RD's
- plenty of protein.
- more organic veg and more variety.
- timed carbohydrate intake around workouts.
- regular sleep pattern, even on weekends: 7-8hrs sleep.
- lots of crucificerous veg
- no processed foods.
- exercise that suits my makeup
- addition of some cardiovascular exercise.
- avoiding BPA's.
These are my initial changes and I feel a lot better already. My GI tract is better, mood is better, energy is better etc.
I think to truly get the benefits of iodine you need to be honest with yourself and change your lifestyle.